Wednesday, January 02, 2013

....and so it begins!

i figured there was no better time than to start my blogging adventure on my worst birthday yet. don't get me wrong, i love a birthday and i love that today was mine.  however, it was a hard one to take in. venturing into my late 20's puts a lot into perspective... i see where i am in my life, where i could be, & where i wish i was. but more on this later...

one would imagine that after countless hours perusing the 'net, wasting precious hours skimming my way through fashion, life, and beauty blogs that i would have had a blog of my very own by now.  i spent four years of my life in a degree that required me to learn every computer program set forth upon me, whilst mastering the art of journalism. well, my fellow readers, the time has come. i have broken down, spent hours creating adorable layouts and "html-ing" my days away, only to revert back to a basic layout and a cutesy banner. eh, it works.

this is my blog. i will be posting beauty-related stuff, fashion tidbits, and my life all on this five year old laptop that is halfway in the grave. here goes nothing... let the blogging, begin!

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